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How Serious is the Population Problem ? What is Inactive Population ?


How serious is the population problem

Introduction : On the one hand, Muslim genocide is being carried out in many areas including Burma, Occupied Kashmir, and Palestine, Muslims are being evacuated from many civilized countries of the world. On the other hand, foreign forces and institutions have been controlling the growing population in Pakistan for almost 60 years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The family planning program has been started and the growing population has been declared as the biggest threat while the situation is the opposite.                                                                                                                                                                                                Balochistan is 46% of the total area of ​​Pakistan and the population of Balochistan as a whole is only 6 million. While the maritime boundary is about 650 km,  Gwadar   is part of the coastline of Balochistan , most of the lands of Balochistan are uncultivated if the  Todero  Road which connects Punjab and Balochistan have completed and the population flows towards Balochistan. So the population of Pakistan will decrease.                                                                                                                                                                                              It is said that if the  Gwadar  Port and C - Pack project progresses to success in the real context and industries are set up, about 400,000 skilled workers, artisans, and laborers will be needed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The activities will require 600,000 houses and residences. If efforts are made to make the barren lands useful, at least 3 million farmers will be needed.                                                                                                                                                                                             According to a conservative estimate,The population of Balochistan can increase by 1.52 crore in just 6 years. Many farmers, traders, and government employees can settle in Balochistan , can come to the mainstream of development, Balochistan's sense of deprivation can end.                                                                                                             The problem is not our growing population but the resettlement of uninhabited areas.At present, the development of Balochistan is an important requirement of the time, and for this purpose, planning is required. Millions of people are needed.Pakistan needed a national development plan instead of a family plan. 

                                                                                                         National assets needed to be made efficient, every inch could be made useful, One individual could be made functional, road network needed to be laid in Balochistan and easy provision of basic amenities regardless of the low population. It is important to provide necessities of life such as clean drinking water, electricity, and gas to different areas.                                                                                                                                                                                                     In coastal areas , usually, innumerable people come from every area for employment. It can be taken but the whole strip of Balochistan is still uninhabited. If the importance of barren, uninhabited, and useless lands of Balochistan increases, then the lives of the locals and landowners will be revolutionized, and they will be prosperous.                                                                                                                                                                      

In all the countries of the world, there is a lot of emphasis on agricultural research and education, but despite being an agricultural country, this sector is being neglected. So far only the right fertilizers and pesticides have not been identified, the same fertilizers and pesticides are being sprayed in every area.                                                                                                            On some lands it has the opposite effect, despite the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, production has not increased significantly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The real problem for any country is not overpopulation but an "inactive population."Numerous developed countries, including London , Paris , Japan , and Hong Kong , are living examples of this. Some developed countries have high population pressures, but their populations are not inactive and idle, and everyone is busy. And it works.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Therefore, the problem of " fewer resources and more problems " does not arise in these countries.In today's modern world, governments plan to make every individual useful and active, to reform every individual, and to benefit from his special ability.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Effective planning is carried out, basic policies are made for the basic needs of every individual, food, education, and housing, strangely, in an agricultural country, instead of increasing productivity, the emphasis is on reducing the population.Going by, our rulers probably lacked the insight that is needed to develop and activate nations. 

                                                                                                           So far no government has expressed its commitment to provide all kinds of basic facilities for every individual. To game experts According, considering the area of Pakistan ,if the population is to be considered, it is far less than the 40 most densely populated countries in the world. conclusion : If the right strategy is adopted and every Muslim is made a soldier and an active member of Islam by adopting the concept of the Muslim  Ummah , then this country will become the stronghold of Islam and the right to lead other people.

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