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Main Reasons behind Intolerance and Extremism.



Attitudes are feature of human life Attitudes are a feature of human life. Our tone, mannerisms, etiquette, and the way we treat relationships seem to reflect our attitudes. There is a popular saying that a sip of patience in times of anger saves a person from thousands of regrets

Human life is full of emotions and feelings. Human behavior expresses emotions and feelings. Sometimes when a person is overwhelmed with feelings of happiness, he laughs and expresses them.  Childish action brings relief, but a strange feeling of anger and intolerance develops, and its devastation robs a person of his peace of mind.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This feeling brings with it a tornado and destroys the relationships that have been established for years.

Intolerance is a disgraceful stain on the beautiful face of humanity. A stain that hardly comes to mind. The moment of concern is that this extremist practice is spreading rapidly in our society. Be it home or market, school or park, office or picnic spot, practical demonstrations of intolerance can be seen everywhere.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 This disease has entered the veins of society. Everything from personal life to collective attitudes is involved. It seems as if this epidemic has spread every hundred years, and the cure has not been discovered yet, and even if it did happen, the majority are unaware of it.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Demonstrations of intolerance can occur in many cases. The intolerance that is engulfing society is slowly hollowing out our society.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Behaviors at the individual and collective levels are dangerously ugly. It feels like hundreds of horrible and ugly attitudes have crept into the land. An example of this can be found in the basic unit of society, the family, where the whole family is tested by the tolerance of a newly married couple, and they are pushed to such an extent that it crosses the threshold of intolerance.                                                                                                                                                                   Man becomes a prisoner of Intolerance :   On the contrary, it is a continuous process by which a person gradually loses control. In the same way, if worms are removed  his self-esteem is damaged. There are examples of this on the streets. No one is willing to give way to another person, and it has become a common thing to forbid everyone to live by giving non-stop horn if the armor is closed for a while.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Here, even at the yellow and orange light, no one is ready to stop and give way to the pedestrian. The same is true of every place where tolerance is intended. When it comes to submitting bills to banks, waiting in line is considered a disgrace, and if you accidentally stand in line, cursing and pushing is considered a success.                                                                                                                                                                                                          After that, pushing at utility stores, squabbling at sales, and eating at weddings are commonplace. All this shows the extent to which intolerance has reached in society.                                                                                                                                                                     If we look at a private life, the situation is worse. Husbands and wives wear each other's clothes, but this dress looks disgusting to their bodies. While fights over small things drown out the whole mood, they have a bad effect on the minds of innocent children, and this process does not stop but continues.                                                                                                                                                     Early in the morning, the husband fights with his wife and goes to the office, and gets angry at one of his subordinates. He goes home and scolds one of his children, and that child gets angry by beating a friend.                                                                                                        Thus, it spreads like an epidemic from one person to another and from another to a third person, due to which depression increases in society.And if not, then some well-wishers, out of jealousy, are willing to do anything to bring them down in the eyes of others.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Laying down the co-workers' league is actually the result of intolerance which is a characteristic of not being able to control one's nature. out of jealousy, are willing to do anything to bring them down in the eyes of others. 


                                                                                               Intolerance in religious matters sometimes takes the form of religious extremism.
Growing religious intolerance in society is making Muslims enemies of Muslims. A servant of one sect is not ready to offer prayers in the mosque of another sect.                                                                                                                                       This is a very trivial matter right now.People of two different ideologies do not even bother to talk about their relationship. Many precious lives are lost in sectarian riots. Sometimes intolerance in the name of religion is motivated by personal and collective aims and objectives which are tried to be fulfilled under the guise of religion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sometimes the rights of minorities are violated, sometimes the majority is accused of aggression.Those who ridicule each other religiously continue to create uneasiness for themselves. This process sometimes takes so long that the person  himself leaves the world but sows seeds of hatred in his behavior from which the growing plants remain evergreen and thus become fertile trees.                                                                                                                 If religion is examined with deep eyes, then it is clear that the lesson of tolerance gives in religion is unparalleled. But man loses his patience just because he cannot control the emotions that arise within him and makes his lifelong regrets in his own name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The causes of intolerance :There are many reasons for intolerance which it is very important to know. Before that, it is important to know that intolerance is basically a state of mind.                                                                                                                                          Now the question may be arising in your mind that if it is a state of mind then why its effects are so dangerous then, I would like to inform you that A human mind experiences different conditions every moment.These conditions are caused by the emotions, and feelings that arise in the human heart.                                                                                                                                                                     They are motivated by the actions, and deeds that this person is dealing with. Sometimes a person fails miserably in overcoming his instincts, the result of which is manifested in the form of horrible behavior due to intolerance.                                                                                                                                                                             But the sad thing is that we are so skeptical of the situation and events that happen to us that instead of showing patience and endurance by considering them as a test.                                                                                                                                                        This attitude puts man on the brink of destruction.Fights and quarrels are common in a couple, but if they are prolonged, the relationship will not last long due to the intervention of intolerance. Life is incomplete without tolerance in relationships. Where the cord of endurance is broken, a man falls into the deep abyss of horrors and desolation.                                                                                                                                                                         

Learn to tolerate, be happy.If a little intellect is used, the solution is in itself.                                                                                 Eliminate, 'intolerance,' from 'intolerance,' so that you can live a happy life.                                                                                       Here are some guidelines that you can follow to make patients an essential element in your life and the destination of success.

  Take control of your anger  take deep breaths in case  of anger, and drink a glass of water when something seems unbearable to you and now you are more burdened by it. If you can't pick it up, stay away from it.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Try to understand others as well.What is right for you is not necessarily right, standing on one side of the river you cannot know the distance to the other side.                                                                                                          There are people of different thoughts in the world, and the beauty of the universe is in this difference of opinion.                                                                                                                                    Remember that change is necessary for the survival of this universe.No person, attitude, or circumstances is always the same. Wait patiently for the right time. Everything will reach you in the allotted time.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Try to get out of the shell of your self-made ego.   Treat everyone with sincerity, be content with whatever you get, and work patiently instead of avenging your abuses


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